10 Fantastic Health Benefits of Cherries | Nutrition and Where to Buy
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10 Health Benefits of Cherries and Cherry Juice


Cherry Juice Recipe and Where to Buy Cherry Juice

If you don’t know about the health benefits of cherries, you’re in for a surprise.

These bright red super fruits can change your life.

As a general rule, the richer the color of fruit and vegetables, the higher the antioxidant count. More antioxidants  means a host of benefits, including a decreased risk of cancer. Go to antioxidant definition for more information.

When it comes to rich color, cherries are up there with the best. Whether you eat them solid and spit the pips out or juice them into a nutritional cocktail, they pack a powerful punch. A great way to consume cherries is with juicing and below, I give you a great cherry juice recipe to use whenever you get the urge.

Cherries are a fleshy stone fruit that taste great. It’s hard to find a better treat than a bowl of cherries. Sweet and delicious, they are a taste bud delight.

While this article refers to red cherries, the word “cherry” can also be used to refer to other fruits such as the plum, apricot and peach.

Below, you’ll discover 10 of the fantastic health benefits of cherries, as well as nutrition facts and where to buy cherries.

10 Health Benefits of Cherries


  1. Prevent cancer. As I mentioned above, one of the health benefits of cherries is that they pack a powerful cancer-fighting punch. Similar to most fruits and vegetables, they contain antioxidants. For the cherry, its cancer-killing guns are found in an antioxidant called cyanidin. Cyanidin is a potent fighter of free radicals and is thought to lower the risk of cancer.
  2. Promote better sleep. Melatonin is a nutrient that the body needs to make the most of its sleep. People who take melatonin supplements usually do so because they’re trying to sleep better. You can do this, or you can go about it naturally. Get your melatonin from cherries. It’s more natural and it tastes a whole lot better than a pill. Melatonin produces soothing effects on brain neurons, which calms down the nervous system. Along with promoting better sleep, cherries and cherry juice also relieve insomnia.
  3. Improve eyesight. One of the popular health benefits of cherries is that they are so high in beta-carotene (a pre-cursor to vitamin A) that they trump blueberries and strawberries. Vitamin A is widely known as essential for good eye health, including the prevention of cataracts, night blindness and dry eyes.
  4. Heal wounds. Well, not exactly. But the high amount of vitamin A causes skin to heal faster.
  5. Promote weight loss. Most fruits tend to be very high in natural sugar that can impede successful weight loss, especially when juicing. One of the popular health benefits of cherries is that they are very low in calories, while being pumped full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. However, don’t crazy. I wouldn’t consume more than one serving of cherries a day and I wouldn’t do it everyday. Variety is the spice of life and cherries are great when juicing for weight loss.
  6. Reduce inflammation. Cherries have become popular as one of the natural world’s most powerful and potent inflammatory. This means they are beneficial to a variety of medical conditions. The anthocyanin in cherries prevent free radical damage and inhibit specific enzymes better than many anti-inflammatory drugs.
  7. Boost memory function. The anthocyanins also produce powerful effects on the brain that have been shown to improve memory. How does more memory sound? Dazzle your friends on the next memory game. Become superhuman.
  8. Relieve arthritis. Sore? The Arthritis Foundation recommends drinking tart cherry juice mixed with water three times a day. Due to the anti-inflammatory health benefits of cherry juice, this can reduce arthritis pain.
  9. Reduce the risk of diabetes. Eating cherries and drinking cherry juice is thought to reduce a person’s risk of developing diabetes. Don’t drink too much though or you’ll overload on natural sugar.
  10. Are a great snack. When you’re reaching for the biscuits and chips, reach for the cherries instead. Among the health benefits of cherries is the fact that they are a great snack for whenever you feel peckish. Watching TV? Reading a book? Working on the computer? Take advantage of the health benefits of cherries and eat some to keep you smiling until your next meal. That’s a great way to enjoy the benefits of healthy food.

Cherry Nutrition Facts

One cup of fresh cherries, with pits, contains 1.46 grams of protein, 87 calories and 2.9 grams of dietary fiber.


  • Vitamin A – 88 IU
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.037 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 0.046 mg
  • Niacin – 0.213 mg
  • Folate – 6 mcg
  • Pantothenic Acid – 0.275 mg
  • Vitamin B6 – 0.068 mg
  • Vitamin C – 9.7 mg
  • Vitamin E – 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin K – 2.9 mcg

*Contains some other vitamins in small amounts.


  • Potassium – 306 mg
  • Phosphorus – 29 mg
  • Magnesium – 15 mg
  • Calcium – 18 mg
  • Iron – 0.5 mg
  • Zinc – 0.1 mg
  • Manganese – 0.097 mg
  • Copper – 0.083 mg

*Also contains small amounts of other minerals.

Source: HealthyAlternatives2000.com

Cherry and Cherry Juice Side Effects

An article in Science and Nature listed cherries in the list of “Top 10 POISONOUS Foods We Love To Eat”.

However, before you throw up your hands and wonder what I was talking about the health benefits of cherries, let me explain.

The cherry itself isn’t the problem. It’s the pit or seed that’s poisonous, as well as the leaves of the cherry tree. When you use cherries, do not crush, chew or scrap the seed. If you do, you may release prussic acid, a component of hydrogen cyanide.

As far as cherry juice side effects go, that’s about it. It’s best to make your own cherry juice, as it will be fresher and cleaner. The store-bought variety often contains a bunch of added sugar and preservatives that your body doesn’t like. Masticating juicers and twin gears juicers are best for making your own cherry juice.

Some people may have problems if they are allergic to cherries. If you are allergic to apples, peaches, plums, tomatoes or bananas, you may be allergic to cherries too.

Despite the cool health benefits of cherries, if you experience any negative symptoms after consuming cherries, talk to your doctor immediately. Even if you don’t have any problems with cherries, don’t go overboard. Consume cherries in moderation.

Cherry Juice Recipes

For more ideas, go to free juicing recipes.

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