About Me | Healthy Juicing

About Me

john1Hi, I’m John! I’m crazy about juicing.

Want to lose weight, get slim, sexy and most importantly, stay there?

Then you’ll love this site. It’s about juicing (obviously).

Why juicing?

Because juicing is kinda magical.

See: fresh fruit and vegetable juice can take your average unhealthy, overweight and depressed person and change them completely… changing them from slim to sexy, faster than you thought possible.

How can I make such a claim? Am I crazy? Is this just another magic bullet that doesn’t work?


Every morning, I look in the mirror and see the proof before my eyes. I say a prayer of thanks every time I catch myself in the mirror. I find it hard to believe the changes, but I can’t argue with reality.

It wasn’t always like this…

I used to look in the mirror and feel sick, knowing that I looked disgusting. I hated my body and I hated myself. I was depressed and I used food to avoid the ugly truth. Lots of it. Unhealthy food too.

But thanks to juicing fruits and vegetables (green juice especially!), those days are past. Like, GONE FOREVER.

It feels pretty darn amazing.

And now, I’m on a mission to help others do the same.

I know how it feels to be overweight. I know how it feels to be depressed and to hate the way your body looks. I’ve been there. But don’t lose hope – there is a chance for you. It doesn’t involve drugs or crazy dangerous pills. I don’t use that stuff and neither should do.

This is an all-natural solution. What’s more natural than fresh fruits and vegetables?

Will you let me help you? Will you, like me, use juicing to burn fat, get sexy and slim and totally change your life?

If so, let’s get started.

How To Use This Website

I started this website to share juicing goodies. There are juicing recipes, info on the health benefits of juicing and suggestions on which juicer you should buy (if you don’t have one yet).

Here are some interesting articles:

Have a look around. If you want to lose weight with juicing, you’ll find everything you need.

Burn fat and get slim (with juicing)

I also send daily emails (7 days a week) to help people lose weight with juicing.

Subscribe now to receive daily emails, including: low calorie juicing recipes, incredible benefits, little-known tips and tricks, plus lots more.

Sign up to the right, at the top of the page >>

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