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Read Juicing Books to Grow Your Knowledge of Juicing

juicing-booksI read some great juicing books when I first got into this healthy habit. Some of them were great, while some of them were not so great. At the end of the day though, I learned a lot. If you’re new to juicing, reading can be a great way to further your knowledge and get some fantastic recipes. It’ll also give you ideas to help you in your own experimentation.

I’ve tried to give you everything you need on this website. However, if you’re hungry for more, read some of these juicing books. All of the juicing books listed here are good, but some of them sit a few steps above the rest. Get them from your local bookstore, or jump over to Amazon.com and get studying.

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Recommended Juicing Books

1. Complete Book of Juicing – Michael T. Murray

Juicing Books

Michael T. Murray’s Complete Book of Juicing is a fantastic book. It’s packed with a wealth of information on the nutritional components of fresh juice, as well as numerous references to reputable scientific publications to support any conclusions he makes.

The author highlights the link between western diets and the subsequent rise of many health problems, including obesity, heart disease and diabetes. He then goes on to demonstrate why fruit and vegetable juicing is a solution to the problems we face.

Some of the vegetable juice recipes might make you a little queasy, but they are nonetheless super healthy for you. So if you can, ignore the taste and drink up! Or alternatively, the author has provided a bunch of great fruit juice recipes, which are a nutritious way to satiate your sweet tooth.

The Complete Book of Juicing is honestly almost that – complete! Despite some of the recipes tasting a bit off, this is one of the juicing books that is well worth the rea. It will definitely expand your knowledge of juicing.

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2. The Juicing Book – Stephen Blauer

The Juicing Book - Stephen Blauer

The Juicing Book was published in 1989, so you’d expect it to be completely out of date. However, this simply isn’t true. It’s remarkably still up to date (for the most part) and has a lot of useful information about juicing.

As well as nutritional information, the author also gives recommendations regarding specific health conditions. For example, suppose you have high blood pressure. The author then goes on to describe what fruits and vegetables you can use to relieve and cure your high blood pressure.

It’s got a good selection of recipes, and sections on fasting, how to design a juice program, and advice on buying the right juicer.

Don’t expect to be an expert after reading though, as the nutritional information provided is very basic. Another problem is the fact that many of the ideas the author presents lack scientific backing, and tend to descend into pseudoscience.

Don’t get me wrong though, The Juicing Book is a good book, and you will learn some things from reading it. It’s just that there are better juicing books around.

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3. Total Juicing – Elaine LaLanne

Total Juicing - Elaine Lalanne

Written by Jack LaLanne’s wife Elaine, Total Juicing is a down to earth and easy to read book about juicing. It’s remarkably easy to follow and you will enjoy it as you learn more about juicing.

The first few chapters will talk you through the benefits of juicing, as well as how to juice specific fruits and vegetables, nutritional information and advice on how to fit juicing into your lifestyle.

One thing I particularly liked about Total Juicing was the advice regarding the pulp. The author explains how to avoid waste, by using the pulp not only in your juice, but also to make various things like cakes, bread, and muffins.

It also encourages experimentation, and will take you on a bit of an adventure with exotic fruits and vegetables; the sort you’d expect to find in the Asian markets.

When you get to the recipes, you may immediately be wondering how a strange combination like this could even taste good. For example, red pepper juice sounds disgusting, but it’s actually almost sweet enough for dessert. It’s packed with numerous recipes, so don’t worry if red pepper juice doesn’t sound too enticing. I’m sure you’ll be able to find something you like better.

Total Juicing is another one of the great juicing books. Like I mentioned before, it’s incredibly easy to follow, and will give you not only a great overview of juicing, but a more in-depth understanding of it. Expect to feel like something of an expert after reading it.

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4. Juicing for Life – Cherie Calbom

Juicing for Life

More than any of the other juicing books reviewed here, Juicing for Life stands out as a very practical book. It’s very easy to take what you read here and use it immediately when you juice.

Part one will run you through the basics, give you some basic guidelines for juicing, and a bunch of handy tips.

Part two will give you some comprehensive information on specific disorders that you can use juicing to cure and aid. It’s got some great advice which explains how to modify your diet to help, what nutrients you need to be getting and a bunch of specific juices relevant to the condition.

Last but certainly not least, part three will explain diet plans and give you suggestions for every day meals, from basic eating to cleansing diets. This part is extremely helpful, and provides a lot of great ideas for maximizing the benefits of juicing.

If you’re looking for a how-to guide, with a very practical approach, Juicing for Life is for you. It’s got a huge amount of information and will give you a fantastic understanding of this life-giving habit.

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I’m an avid reader myself, and thoroughly enjoyed reading these juicing books. I love reading about health, and think it’s a great way to do yourself a favor and live healthier. The more you understand how your body works and what food is best, the better you can live your life to the full.

Whether or not you read these juicing books, I hope you juice every day and make the most of your body and your life!

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