Juicing for Acne | How to Get Rid of Acne

Juicing for Acne

How to Get Rid of Acne

If you start juicing for acne you can minimize acne’s frustrating effects…

I’m guessing you’re like most people, and from time to time you have a problem with acne?

It’s such a pain, and pimples strike at the worst moments, like when you’re going for a new job! Sometimes you don’t even know a pimple has sprung up, and you spend all day completely unaware.

Or perhaps you’re continuously plagued by acne and wake up every day, dreading that first look into the mirror.

Thankfully, juicing for acne can help you with this. At the very least, acne will cease to have a grip on your skin, and you’ll start to brim with confidence once more. As with acne, juicing for cancer is also very effective.


But first, what is acne?

Acne is an inflammatory disease involving the sebaceous glands of the skin. These are microscopic glands in the skin which secrete an oily or waxy matter, called sebum, to lubricate the skin.

Now, most of the time, these glands are doing their job – successfully lubricating your skin and making it nice and soft.

But from time to time, they produce too much oil, and all of sudden our good friend acne appears. Instead of lubricating the skin, the oil gets trapped in blocked oil ducts, and results in pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on the skin.

Sometimes, it can also include deeper skin lesions that are called cysts.

Those areas of the skin that contain the most oil glands are the ones most susceptible to acne. On the forehead, there are 2,000 oil glands alone. Other areas highly populated with oil glands include the face, chest, shoulders and back. This is why most people have acne problems in these areas. The benefits of lemon juice are great for people who are trying to get rid of acne.

The Causes of Acne and Pimples

First, it’s helpful to understand that no one factor causes acne.

You already know that acne is caused by a build-up of oil in various skin glands. The oil then tends to stimulate bacteria and can cause surrounding tissues to become inflamed.

Let’s look at some basic causes.

  • Overactive oil glands: These glands produce oil (also known as sebum) to lubricate the hair and surrounding skin. When you are stressed, the adrenal glands produce too much oil which results in the enlargement of the oil glands, more oil on the surface of the skin, and therefore more acne.
  • Blockage of the skin pores: When some of the pores through which oil normally flows become blocked, oil is trapped and acne subsequently develops.
  • Activity of Normal Skin Bacteria: Acne is not caused by bacterial infection, though bacteria do still play a role in making the situation worse. The bacterium Propionibacterium is found on human skin and protects us from infection. However, this bacterium grows in blocked pores, irritates the skin and causes inflammation (acne).
  • Inflammation: Inflamed skin is generally characterized by redness, swelling, warmth, and discomfort. Inflammation is a natural bodily process by which the immune system is acting to rid the body of a foreign substance. When it comes to acne, this means either bacteria or the irritating compounds they have produced. The health benefits of cabbage include a potent power to reduce inflammation.


How to Get Rid of Acne

Aside from juicing for acne, how else can you get rid of acne?

  • Wash your face, neck, and hairline at least once a day (preferably twice). Use lukewarm water and a circular motion with your fingers
  • Be careful of all skin products. Most contain substances and chemicals which are actually bad for your skin. Only use oil-free skin products. Use the ones that read “nonacnegenic” or “noncomedogenic”.
  • Keep hair products out of your face, including hair spray, gel and mousse.
  • Keep your face clean and free of sweat, germs and dirt as much as possible.
  • If acne is affecting your self-confidence, see a dermatologist.
  • Change your diet. Eating unhealthy food, especially food loaded with fat and sugar is unlikely to do you any favors in the complexion department. Take up some exercise and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Wheat, chocolate, sugar and alcohol are known to cause allergic skin reactions.
  • Don’t touch your face! Your fingers carry millions of bacteria, and only make the acne situation worse. Break this habit and you’ll certainly have better skin.
  • Avoid harsh soaps and facial scrubs as they aggravate your skin.
  • Take regular showers and keep any problem areas as clean as possible.
  • Don’t pinch, prod, poke, squeeze or pop your blemishes.
  • Keep away from iodine as it irritates pores and can cause further inflammation to the acne. This means avoiding table salt, fried foods, sea weed (including sushi), shellfish, and dairy products (not including yoghurt).

I hope you know how to get rid of acne now. Let’s move onto how juicing for acne can also solve this annoying problem.


Juicing for Acne Prevention Tips

  • Carrot is loaded with beta-carotene which is necessary in controlling acne, while spinach is a great blood cleanser and regenerator. Carrot and spinach is a great combination for minimizing acne. The benefits of carrot juice are awesome.
  • Honey melon is known to help flush out toxins, while watercress is high in Vitamin A, folic acid and chlorine, which helps control the inflammation of acne. Juice and drink honey melon and watercress twice a day.
  • Lemons and most citrus fruits are known to have excellent properties which heal the skin. Packed with Vitamin C and Potassium, they are considered a superfood for healthy skin.
  • The benefits of beet juice include a delicious taste, and an amazing detoxifying and cleansing ability.
  • Drink as much watermelon juice as you can.


Juicing for Acne Recommended Recipes

Juicing for Acne is Easy

At the end of the day, it’s all about eating healthier, and adopting some new habits.

These juices taste great, so while helping your skin, you’ll also enjoy drinking them.

You don’t have to give in to acne.

You can have clear skin and be filled with self-confidence, especially when you start juicing for acne.

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