10 Awesome Health Benefits of Grapes - Grape Nutrition Facts and Info
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10 Awesome Health Benefits of Grapes


Discover Grape Nutrition Facts, Values and Info

Once you’ve heard about the health benefits of grapes, you’ll agree with me that grapes are awesome. They’re almost as awesome as the benefits of grapefruit juice.

Perhaps you already agree.

Grapes are awesome, aren’t they?

They are the perfect snack. Munch on grapes while you work. If you get bored and need some fun, start throwing them into the air and catching them with your mouth.

Careful though as this game is addictive!

Grapes are actually a berry and grow on vines. While many believe that grapes are native to northwest Asia, they have also been grown in Europe and the United States for hundreds of years.

Grapes are highly versatile. You can enjoy the health benefits of green grapes in virtually any way you choose.

Grapes can be used in jam, juice, jelly, vinegar, wine, grape seed extracts, raisins, molasses and grape seed oil. The seeds, skin, leaves, stems and the grape itself have all been used in herbal remedies at one point or another.

At certain times in history, a diet consisting only of grapes was often thought to be an alternative means of treating cancer. There are currently various chemicals in grapes and grape skins which scientists are studying to find out their potential in preventing cancer and other nasty illnesses.

While currently available scientific evidence doesn’t support the claim that grapes prevent cancer, that may change in the future. It is widely believed by many (me included!) that a diet high in fresh, raw fruits and vegetables has a powerful ability to prevent cancer and other diseases. If a person goes so far as to eliminate unhealthy food, then his or her overall health will dramatically rise.

What do you think? Will the health benefits of grapes be found to cure cancer in the future?

Let’s take a look at 10 health benefits of grapes.

10 Health Benefits of Grapes

1. Grapes Prevent Cancer.

Yes, like I said above, this health benefit of grapes has not been undeniably proven, however, studies are beginning to lend credence to the claim that grapes prevent cancer. If you wait for science to explain why this happens, you’ll be left behind. To boost your cancer defence, try juicing for cancer.

Resveratrol, an ingredient in grapes, is believed to be the main component that comprises their cancer-fighting ability. Grapes are thought to suppress cancer cell growth as well as stop the growth of cancer-causing agents.

It has been observed around the world that a diet high in raw fruits and vegetables and low in processed, refined foods prevents cancer and enables people to live longer. So go get some grapes! Munch on them while you relax or turn your grapes into fresh grape juice with a juicer.

2. Grapes Help to Overcome constipation.

Ughh. Constipation? It’s not a nice feeling, is it?

Grapes are believed to have laxative properties, due to the organic acid, sugar and cellulose within. If your body is refusing to let go of what’s inside, feast yourself on grapes.

Grab a bunch and eat them all at once. Grapes tone the intestine and stomach which further increases their ability to relieve constipation, whether average constipation or chronic constipation.

3. Grapes have a Low Glycemic Index.

While a low GI value does not always correlate to blood sugar benefits, in the case of the health benefits of grapes, it does – big time. Recent studies have found that grapes improve blood sugar balance, improve insulin regulation and increase insulin sensitivity.


4. Grapes Lower Heart Disease Risk.

When you consume grapes, the nitric oxide levels in your blood increase. This is one of the fantastic health benefits of grapes. Increased nitric oxide prevents blood clots which in turn, reduces your risk of having a heart attack.

As if that wasn’t enough, one of the antioxidants in grapes prevents LDL cholesterol to oxidize, contributing to clearer blood vessels.

No heart attacks and clean blood vessels mean great things; more time for yourself, more time for your family and more time to make the most of your life. Heart health and juicing are a great combination.

5. Grapes Kill Viruses.

Not with swords (have you ever seen grapes wield sword?).

A study was conducted at a university in Turkey that found that grapes have an effective antimicrobial action. On top of this, they also have a high content of tannin, an ingredient that improves the ability to fight viruses and tumors.

So next time you’re run down with a cold or confined to bed with the flu, remember our good friends grapes and be sure to take advantage of the grape health benefits.

6. Grapes boost your energy.

Energy is one of my favorite health benefits of grapes.


More energy means more life. More time to do the things you want. More love. More joy. More adventure.

In the case of energy and grape health benefits, grapes replenish the iron content in the blood, similar to the healthy benefits of beet juice and spinach health benefits. The increased iron content improves oxygenation of the blood, dramatically improving energy.

What will you do with the increased energy?

More sex? More time with your kids? More work? More exercise?

Have fun.

7. Grapes Cure Migraines.

Cure might be going a bit far for this health benefit of grapes. But still, it’s worth a try.

Head thumping? Struggling to think straight? Have you got a dreaded migraine!?

If so, try this home remedy – drink ripe grape juice as soon as you wake up in the morning. Don’t mix it with water or you may dilute the grape health benefits.

8. Grapes Make You Live Longer.

Well, so long as you don’t get hit by a bus. Grapes don’t make you invincible but they do increase your ability to age slower and live longer.

Resveratrol, one of the antioxidants in grapes I mentioned earlier has potent effects in minimizing all sorts of age related disorders, such as cancer, heart disease and even brain diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Along with these great health benefits of grapes, resveratrol has also been found to have a positive effect on the body’s aging process. By kicking enzymes that slow aging into gear, it increases the stability of DNA and extends life span by 70%.

9. Grapes Can Help with Weight Loss

I say “can” because it’s not guaranteed.

With all fruits, there is natural sugar. While fruit may be low in calories (which grapes are), the natural sugar will mess up your weight loss.

The best way to use the health benefits of grapes to help weight loss is to snack on them instead of ice cream, cake and other processed, high-sugar foods. Just don’t eat too many! Limit yourself to a handful if you’re trying to lose weight.

Another great way to use grapes is by juicing for weight loss.

10. Grapes are Potent Anti-Inflammatories

One of the popular health benefits of grapes is that they contain anthocyanins, a class of powerful antioxidants. This legion of antioxidants has been found to pack a blast of anti-inflammatory properties, along with anti-allergic properties too.

Grape Nutrition Facts, Values and Info

One cup of grapes contains 1.09 gram of protein, 104 calories and 1.4 grams of dietary fiber.


  • Vitamin A – 100 IU
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.104 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 0.106 mg
  • Niacin – 0.284 mg
  • Folate – 3 mcg
  • Pantothenic Acid – 0.076 mg
  • Vitamin B6 – 0.13 mg
  • Vitamin C – 16.3 mg
  • Vitamin E – 0.29 mg
  • Vitamin K – 22 mcg

*Contains some other vitamins in small amounts.


  • Potassium – 288 mg
  • Phosphorus – 30 mg
  • Magnesium – 11 mg
  • Calcium – 15 mg
  • Sodium – 3 mg
  • Iron – 0.54 mg
  • Selenium 0.2 mcg
  • Manganese – 0.107 mg
  • Copper – 0.192 mg
  • Zinc – 0.11 mg

*Also contains small amounts of other minerals.

Source: HealthyAlternatives2000.com

Grape Cautions and Side Effects

While the health benefits of grapes are wonderful, in some cases, they can have a negative effect within the body.

Grapes and any products that are derived from grapes should not be consumed by people with stomach ulcers, diabetes or obesity.

Due to the acid within grapes, people with dental problems such as tooth cavities should avoid them. Grapes will only make the dental problems worse.

To avoid serious stomach problems, don’t consume grapes with the following foods: fish, mineral water, soda, milk, alcohol, etc.

Enjoy the health benefits of grapes by juicing your grapes with other fruits!

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