10 Health Benefits of Cucumber Juice | Nutrition and Juice Recipes
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10 Health Benefits of Cucumber Juice


Cucumber Nutritional Value is HUGE

Did you know that one of the health benefits of cucumber juice is that it makes you live forever?

It also transforms you into a superhero, gives you flying powers and enables you to make your wildest dreams come true.

Are you excited?

I know I am.

But unfortunately, the health benefits of cucumber juice aren’t THAT good. However, they are still awesome so make sure you start drinking it when you’re juicing.

Cucumber is a type of melon and is in the same family as watermelon, zucchini and other squash. Cucumbers are cylinders and can be up to 9 inches long. If you look closely, you’ll notice that cucumber skin and watermelon skin are almost identical.

Some say that the adventurous cucumber originated from the exotic land known as India.

Cucumber is believed to be a cooling vegetable, producing an effect whereby the body temperature is naturally lowered. This cooling effect is one reason why it goes great it fresh vegetable juice, particularly in summer.

Cucumber is very easy to grow. There are a variety of shapes and sizes so no one gets bored in the growing process.

Cucumbers are best picked when young. They continue to grow in size as they get older and the skin becomes tough and turns yellow. With enough time, even the seeds go bad, becoming hard and inedible.

Let’s take a close look at why the health benefits of cucumber juice area awesome.

10 Health Benefits of Cucumber Juice

  1. Lose weight. With just 15 calories for every 100 grams, cucumber is great for people who are trying to lose weight. It also enhances digestion and metabolic action, increasing the body’s natural ability to burn fat. Mixed with celery juice, cucumber juice is great for juicing for weight loss.
  2. Rehydrate. With a bunch of potassium, one of the health benefits of cucumber juice is that it’s great for rehydration. Forget the sugary sports drinks and get your electrolytes from cucumber juice.
  3. Reduce high blood pressure. Potassium is also fantastic for the the heart and helps to reduce high blood pressure. It does this by countering the negative effects of sodium. If you’re eating too much salty food, balance it out with a few glasses of cucumber juice.
  4. Get supermodel skin. One of the great health benefits of cucumber is that it’s great for the skin and curing skin problems. Combine it with alfalfa juice and the health benefits of cucumber juice will be enhanced. Apply it once a day and you’ll prevent pimples, blackheads, wrinkles, acne and various other skin disorders.
  5. Fight inflammation. When a person drinks cucumber juice, it works in the joints to eliminate uric acid. This has the effect of fighting and reducing inflammation caused by problems like rheumatism and arthritis.
  6. Cleanse yourself. Cucumber is a diuretic, meaning it causes you to urinate more often than usual. This encourages your body to dispose of toxins and other waste matter on a more regular basis.
  7. Grow hair! Worried about losing hair or going bald? Try drinking cucumber juice, as it contains silicon and sulfur, both essential ingredients in simulating hair growth.
  8. Superhero bones. This is what I was talking about at the start of this article. Cucumber is loaded with calcium and is great for promoting healthy bone growth. It might not give you bones that never break, but it will go a long way to enhance your internal structure and lower your risk of bone disorders. The benefits of pineapple juice are also great for bone health.
  9. For sunburn. Did you spend too long in the sun and now your skin stings when touched? Congratulations, you are sunburnt. Grab your juicer and make cucumber juice. Take this juice and rub it on the affected area. The cooling components of cucumber will cool the burning feeling and speed up the healing process. This is one of my favorite health benefits of cucumber juice.
  10. Lots of dietary fiber. Juicing cucumber removes the fiber so make sure you eat cucumber as well to enjoy the benefits of the fiber. With lots of fiber, cucumber helps to maintain a healthy weight, as well as promoting good digestion and enabling your body to process waste and toxins properly. My favorite way to eat cucumber is in a salad with tuna, avocado, tomato and feta cheese.

Cucumber Nutritional Values

Half a cup of sliced cucumber with skins contains .34 grams protein, 8 calories and .3 grams fiber.


  • Vitamin C – 1.5 mg
  • Niacin – 0.051 mg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.014 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 0.017 mg
  • Vitamin B6 – 0.021 mg
  • Folate – 4 mcg
  • Pantothenic Acid – 0.135 mg
  • Vitamin A – 55 IU
  • Vitamin K – 8.5 mcg
  • Vitamin E – 0.02 mg

*Contains some other vitamins in small amounts.


  • Potassium – 76 mg
  • Phosphorus – 12 mg
  • Magnesium – 7 mg
  • Sodium – 1 mg
  • Calcium – 8 mg
  • Iron – 0.15 mg
  • Zinc – 0.1 mg
  • Copper – 0.021 mg
  • Manganese – 0.041 mg
  • Selenium – 0.2 mcg

*Also contains small amounts of other minerals.

Source: HealthyAlternatives2000.com

Cucumber Side Effects and Cautions

As with most fruits and vegetables, organic cucumber trumps non-organic. Non-organic product is often covered in wax or pesticides that can have a negative effect on the human body. If you can’t get organic, use a tough brush to scrub your cucumbers before you juice them.

Traditionally, cucumbers tended to make people “gassy”. If you find this happening, stop consuming cucumbers or try a different variety.

Some people will have an allergic reaction to cucumber and cucumber juice. If you have an allergic reaction after eating cucumber or drinking cucumber juice, stop taking it and see your doctor immediately.

Cucumber Juice Recipes

What good would the health benefits of cucumber juice be without a juicing recipe?

To make your own cucumber juicer recipes, experiment with carrot, spinach and celery.

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