Juice Fasting Retreats | Retreats for Juice Fasting for Weight Loss

3 Juice Fasting Retreats

Get on a Juice Diet Plan in Picturesque Surroundings

Juice fasting retreats are a fantastic way to revolutionize your life. Below, I describe a few juicing retreats and some things to look out for when searching for the perfect retreat.

In the typical home, it’s hard to get and stay in shape, don’t you think? There are too many distractions, including taking kids to football practice, cooking meals and working a full-time job. The benefits of healthy food just don’t get a look in.

A long time ago, some people believed that technology would provide us with more freedom and large amounts of leisure time. This belief started with the assumption that machines would do all the work while we relaxed under palm trees sipping fresh coconut juice.

If you’re like me, you probably think that would be AMAZING. Think about it – technology does our work while we collect our money and relax in the sun.

Wouldn’t that be great?

But instead of these fantastic things happening, we’ve gotten busier and our health is declining!

As technology improves, we’re expected to produce more. Rather than work 2 hours a day and produce 8 hours of work, we’re expected to work 8 hours a day and produce 32 hours of work.

To be honest, it sucks. That’s where the juice fasting diet kicks ass.

But hey, it’s reality and we need to learn how to deal with it.

Why Getting Healthy Is More Important than Ever

To enjoy our lives, we need our health, period. This is where juice fasting retreats come in.

If we don’t have our health, then we don’t have much at all and our ability to get the most JUICE out of lives will be severely impeded.

So with the increasing expectations of what we should be producing, we should be increasing our health. Only by increasing our health can we boost our energy, increase our wellbeing and get more from life.

Also, rather than learning how to juice fast on your own, they come along for the ride.

Juicing is Healthy and it is a Great Road to Follow

Processed, refined foods are responsible for huge amounts of disease and decay.

We should be consuming MORE fruits and vegetables than ever, but all too often, we end up consuming LESS than we NEED.

Government authorities often recommend that we consume 6 to 8 servings of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. How many servings do you consume?

One of the best ways to consume more is with juicing.

Mind you, eating fruits and vegetables is extremely important, and juicing is best used as an add-on to an already healthy diet. Fiber comes from solid fruits and vegetables (not liquid) and fiber is essential to maintaining good digestive health. Without fiber, all sorts of problems can arise, including bowel cancer and inhibited digestion.

Juicing is a great way to be healthy and it’s a great road to follow in your quest to enjoy the best health of your life.

Juice Fasting can work WONDERS

Juice fasting is exactly what it sounds like.

You abstain from all solid foods while consuming fresh fruit and vegetable juice for your meals instead. Fresh juice does not restart the metabolism, so the fasting action continues whether you juice or not. Two options are a 10 day lemon juice fast or a 3 day apple juice fast.

The reason juice fasting can be better than normal “no food or drink” fasting is that it allows you to keep up a continual stream of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants going into your system. As your digestive system is clear and unimpeded by junk food or meat, these nutrients go to where they are needed extremely fast.

Typically, people attempt to juice fast in their normal home. This can work, however with the typical demands in the ordinary household, it’s an uphill battle to maintain the fast. Everyone might be eating around you or perhaps fresh fruits and vegetables aren’t available in your area.

You can solve this problem with a juice fasting retreat. At a juice fasting retreat, you stay at the retreat and have your juices made for you.

Let’s take a quick look at a few juice fasting retreats so you can get an idea of what goes on at these things.

3 Juice Fasting Retreats

For the retreats listed below, I picked a few after some searching on Google. If you want to find one in your area, search for: your suburb + juice fasting retreat.

For example, if you were in Sydney, you would search for sydney juice fasting retreats.

1. Moinhos Velhos – Juice Fasting Health Spa Retreat

See their website here.

Moinhos Velhos offers a range of options, including juice fasting and detox programs. They also include things like yoga, meditation and a variety of complementary therapies. They help you enjoy the benefits of beet juice and other vegetables.

During the juice fasting retreat, you are provides with herbs, juices, broth, powders and pills which are all included in the program cost. If you go here, you’ll also get access to their salt water pool, sauna, hot tub, QRS magnet healing bed, detox foot bath, colonic irrigation and zapping.

Location: Portugal

2. Juice Fast for Health

See their website here.

The retreats at this location go for 6 days / 5 nights. During the course, you learn how to keep your pH balanced, your colon cleansed and protect your thyroid from radiation.

For the cost, you receive a bucket load of information on health, a variety of delicious juices, a liver cleanse, wheatgrass, colon cleansing, spa treatments, daily yoga, spa day, hot mineral water, a notebook and pH test strip paper.

There is a daily schedule; it’s designed to accommodate guests who wish for more flexibility. If you decide to go hiking, juices can be made in advance and cold-packed, so you can take a whole bunch of juice wherever you go.

Location: Palm Springs, California

3. Circle of Life Holistic Health Programs

See their website here.

This is a Women’s only retreat. Typically, at these juice fasting retreats you learn juicing techniques, how to prepare raw food, yoga, Qui Gong, daily meditations and regular walks among ancient forests.

You’ll also hear about the ancient Indian healing art of Ayurveda and the power of natural healing.

Location: Rasayana Cove, Central Florida

Juice Fasting Retreats Allow You to Supercharge Your Health

Like I said, in the typical household it’s going to be hard to maintain, if not impossible, a juice fast. Get yourself to one of these retreats and take your health to a whole new level.

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