Is Celery Juice Good For You? Discover The Amazing Secret Here

Is Celery Juice Good For You?

The health benefits of celery juice are pretty awesome. Celery juice will rock your world.

I guess that answers your question.

Is celery juice good for you?

Is Celery Juice Good For You?That’s the equivalent of asking “is juicing good for you?

Of course celery juice is good for you.

Even Hippocrates, the “father of medicine”, thought celery juice was fantastic. He believed wholeheartedly in celery juice and referred to it as a “nerve-calmer”.

The cool thing about celery is that it is very water-dense. This means you get LOADS of juice when you use celery.

Celery juice is packed with benefits. Like I said, YES, celery juice is good for you.

It is loaded with super-important vitamins, including vitamin A, B1, B2, B6 and C.

While celery juice tends to have a lot of sodium, this is offset by its high content of potassium.

Do you do a lot of sports? What do you drink after you complete your sessions? Do you drink sugary sports “water”, or do you drink water? While water may be healthy, it’s not enough to replace the electrolytes you have lost through sweating. As for sugary sports “water”, I hope you don’t need me to tell you that these drinks SUCK when it comes to staying healthy.

What you need is a natural solution to replacing electrolytes. Celery juice is a fantastic solution for this as it has the electrolytes and it’s totally natural.

One of the great benefits of celery juice is that it has virtually ZERO calories. Yes, that means what you think it means. It means you can drink as much celery juice as you like and you won’t get fat.

Are you with me?

Celery also contains powerful cancer-fighting antioxidants. When you drink celery juice on a regular basis, you literally lower your risk of contracting a life-threatening illness such as cancer.

As you can see, celery juice is pretty damn awesome. But how do you get started enjoying it?

You’ll need a juicer and some celery. You can drink celery juice on its own, however it probably won’t be very tasty. For a great mix, juice celery with carrot, apple and ginger. This is a fruity juice that is bursting with liquid sunshine.

A great way to use celery is to drink celery juice before you eat. It will suppress your appetite and you will eat less.

Obviously, celery juice is good for you. Is celery juice good for you? YES. But don’t take it too far. Don’t immerse yourself in buckets upon buckets of celery juice. Use it once or twice a day in your juices. That way, you’ll get the great benefits.


John McIntyre