Fasting Juice Recipes | 20 Juice Fasting Recipes

20 Fasting Juice Recipes


Tasty Juice Fasting Recipes

These fasting juice recipes are perfect for fasting with juice. They’re super healthy and super tasty. If you’re going to be healthy, you might as well enjoy it!

Juice fasting is a type of detox diet, whereby you abstain from all food and drink except fresh juice and water. It is a powerful way to cleanse the body of toxins and give it a much needed rest. By abstaining from solid food, you give your digestion system a rest and the surplus energy can be spent on healing your body.

With juice fasting, you juice every day. Since fresh juice is liquefied, you can have as much of it as you want during a fast. You’ll notice the effects much faster, as there will be no food to slow the processing down.

To succeed at an extended juice fast, variety is key. You probably don’t want to be drinking the same three juices, day after day after day.

That’s why I’ve included a great list of recipes from this site below. You can find them all on the Juicing Recipes page, but it’s probably easier to just scroll down.

Along with the titles, I’ve included an overview of the ingredients. Click on the recipe title for more information including directions.

20 Juicy, Tasty and Awesome Fasting Juice Recipes

  1. Liver Cleanser
    Ingredients: beetroot, grapefruit, lemon, ginger, turmeric, cayenne pepper and milk thistle.
  2. Beetrix
    Ingredients: beetroot, carrot, celery, broccoli, wheatgrass, parsley and grapefruit.
  3. Big Bad Bone Builder
    Ingredients: carrot, kale, parsley and apple.
  4. Cabbage Cocktail
    Ingredients: cabbage, celery, tomato and carrot.
  5. The Body Cleanser
    Ingredients: carrot, apple, celery, parsley, parsley, beetroot and wheatgrass.
  6. The Energizer
    Ingredients: carrot and parsley.
  7. The Garden of Eden
    Ingredients: carrot, kale, brussel sprouts and apple.
  8. Ginger Cure
    Ingredients: pineapple, ginger and carrot.
  9. Immune Boosting Cocktail 1
    Ingredients: tomato, parsley, celery, cucumber and onion.
  10. The Iron Machine
    Ingredients: beetroot, spinach and broccoli.
  11. The Juice That Went Bang
    Ingredients: beetroot, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, grapefruit, lemon, orange, kiwifruit and ginger.
  12. Liver Booster
    Ingredients: turmeric, lemon, honey and water.
  13. Mandarin Mixup
    Ingredients: carrot, celery, mandarin and kiwi fruit.
  14. Super Cabbage Juice
    Ingredients: cabbage, spinach and apple.
  15. Mountain Air
    Ingredients: carrot, apple, parsley and ice.
  16. Soft Skin
    Ingredients: carrot, apple and ginger.
  17. Immune Boosting Cocktail 2
    Ingredients: carrot, parsley, celery and garlic.
  18. The Skinny Apple
    Ingredients: honeydew melon, apple, lemon and red grapes.
  19. Alert Me
    Ingredients: beetroot, carrot, orange and spinach.
  20. Three Berry Blast
    Ingredients: strawberries, red grapes and cherries.

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