Can Raw Juicing Change Body Shape? YES or NO? Find Out Here.

Can Raw Juicing Change Body Shape?

Can Raw Juicing Change Body Shape?

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about juicing lately. One of those questions is can raw juicing change body shape?

It’s an interesting question. Many people start juicing because they want to lose weight. They think that if they start drinking fresh vegetable juice and fresh fruit juice that the pounds will melt away.

Is it true? Does juicing for weight loss really work?

YES. Juicing to lose weight works.

Raw juicing CAN change body shape.

On a side note, have you ever heard of cooked juicing? Me neither. Raw juicing is the only type there is.

The reason juicing to lose weight works lies in the problem. Obesity is a huge problem in many developed countries. While we may have overcome poverty to some degree, we have fallen prey to other problems. We might not need to forage for food every day, but instead, we have to deal with cancer, heart disease, obesity and all sorts of other diseases.

This is a HUGE problem.

What are you doing about it? Are you at your ideal weight?

Obviously, if you found this article, you’re probably one of the people who wants to lose weight. You want to change your body shape. You want to look sexy again.

Juicing can help you get there and juicing can keep you there too.

But it will only work if you’re willing to work at it. There are no magic solutions. Juicing will not solve all of your problems. If you tend to overeat, that’s a problem and juicing won’t eliminate it. If you like to eat sugary food that is terrible for human health, that’s a problem. If you hate exercise and would rather sit in front of the TV, that’s a problem.

Of course, all of those things are only a problem if you want to be healthy, but isn’t that why you’re here?

What I’m getting at is that yes, juicing can change body shape. However, it’s only part of the solution. The whole solution includes getting your ass moving and taking regular exercise. It includes eliminating crap food from your diet and refusing to consume anything that will damage your health.

In this, your effort will determine your results. If you juice for a few weeks and then stop, you’ll probably get a few results. The benefits of juicing will take effect. You’ll probably have more energy. You might even lose a few pounds. It is amazing what a week of water weight loss will do for you. Then the hard part comes.

If you truly want to revolutionize your body shape, you’ll need to make some serious changes. Start juicing. Never stop. Cut out the junk and start exercising. That’s the whole solution.

John McIntyre