Benefits of Juicing Vegetables | Juicing Raw Vegetables Benefits
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Benefits of Juicing Vegetables


Way better than cooking…

One of the main benefits of juicing vegetables is that you receive a high concentration of nutrients.

Juicing helps you get your daily-recommended serving of fruits and vegetables that you normally do not. Nutrients from vegetables help us stay healthy and can reduce certain ailments. Vegetable juicing is great for your health.

Cooking vegetables reduces their nutrients.

The heat acts to kill various enzymes that are extremely beneficial to good health. However when juiced instead, your body receives high levels of nutrients and enzymes that would otherwise be lost during cooking. For more information, see the raw food diet benefits.

Benefits of juicing vegetables are:

  • It is an excellent appetite suppressant.
  • It offers digestive enzymes needed by our bodies.
  • It enhances the ph in our bodies, improving our health.
  • It helps with our digestion.
  • It helps our bodies in its detoxification process.

In addition, the benefits of juicing vegetables taste great. There is nothing quite like a combination of fresh vegetables in a juice for a quick pick-me-up!

Summer is an excellent time to juice vegetables, especially if you have your own garden or a farmer’s market nearby. There is nothing better than freshly harvested vegetables.

Other benefits of juicing vegetables Include:

  • It helps add a variety of vegetables to your diet and helps to rotate your vegetable intake. Some of us get stuck in the daily ritual of eating the same lettuce salad daily. Lettuce salad is healthy of course, but the benefits of juicing vegetables allows us an opportunity to try other vegetables that we normally don’t eat otherwise.
  • Juicing allows your body to absorb most of the vegetables nutrients.
  • Juicing allows you to quickly consume the average daily requirement in one glassful.

So How Do You Juice Vegetables?

The first and obvious thing you need is a good juicer. There are many available and each has a list of reasons why theirs is better.

If you choose a median priced juicer, you will be happier with the result. Some of the cheaper products on the market today can be very loud and do not last very long.

Juicing is a very easy process and does not require a lot of effort. The most important thing is to clean your vegetable completely!

Depending on your juicer and the vegetables you are using, you may need to do some cutting or chopping. Then, it is simply a matter of following the recipe.

What Types of Vegetables Should You Juice?

You can juice any edible vegetable. Some taste better than others do though.

The best vegetables to start with are a combination of cucumbers, celery, and carrot. They are very nutritious and actually taste very good. Dark green vegetables offer greater nutritional values, and can be used when you get used to juicing these three.

Many juice recipes encourage you to use beets and carrots in your combinations. They taste great because they have a large amount of sugar in them. If you do not have insulin issues then it will not hurt to add them to your recipe. They are very healthy and make a very tasty juice.

As you become used to juicing, feel free to add some leafy vegetables such as spinach, endive, green leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, red leaf lettuce, and escarole. You can even experiment with cabbage or bok choy. Using a herb like parsley adds a unique taste to your juice combinations.

If you are having difficulty getting used to the vegetable juice you are creating, then it is acceptable to add some fruit to your combination.

Some suggestions are:

  • Apples: These are an excellent additive to your vegetable combination. Apples are full of vitamins and help with the taste of your juice.
  • Berries: They are full of antioxidants and are very flavorful.
  • Lemons: You would be surprised at the flavor just one-half a lemon adds to your juice.
  • Cranberries: They have five times the antioxidants and add a little tartness to your juice.
  • Coconut: Is an excellent source of fat and has a very pleasing flavor.
  • Ginger: Helps add a little “punch” to your juice.

The other benefits of juicing vegetables with fruit, is that your kids will not realize they are consuming their vegetables. They will probably start asking for their favorite fruit juice, so do not let on that there are vegetables in it!

Consider adding the following ingredients to your juice to make the most of the benefits of juicing vegetables:

  • Seeds: Use your favorite for added fatty acids and protein. Try pumpkin, flax or even sunflower seeds.
  • Garlic: Adding a clove or two of garlic will not be overpowering and people around you will not notice. It will add a little something to your juice.
  • Powdered Protein: An excellent source of protein is whey powder. Adding protein powder to your vegetable juice can actually create a very healthy meal.

Can You Prepare Your Juice Ahead of Time?

It is highly recommended that you prepare your juice and drink it right away. Fresh vegetable or fruit juice can lose its nutritional value quickly. It should be safe to store it in your refrigerator for a period of 24 hours, provided it is in an airtight container.

When you finish juicing, try to get into the habit of cleaning your juicer immediately and thoroughly as soon as you are done. It will be an easier process and will help your juicer last longer. It is a good idea to follow your juicer manufacturer cleaning recommendations.

As I mentioned earlier, juicing is a great source of nutrition and an excellent way to use your fresh vegetables from the garden. Enjoy, and most importantly have fun experimenting with different combinations.

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